Is Your Business in Compliance with Massachusetts Personal Information Privacy Laws?

Learn about the Massachusetts law, MA 201 CMR 17, enacted on March 1, 2010, mandating written information security procedures for entities handling personal data. Noncompliance risks reputation damage and hefty penalties, highlighting the importance of understanding and adhering to these regulations.

Documenting Antiques And Fine Art For Insurance

Maintaining a home inventory is crucial for safeguarding your belongings, ensuring you’re prepared for unexpected events requiring insurance claims. Particularly for antiques or fine art owners, detailed documentation is essential to guarantee compensation.

Consigning Property For Auction: Part 4 – Auction Fees

Many individuals have inquiries about auction fees, which typically include buyer and seller fees, adhering to industry standards. These fees cover the auction house’s efforts to ensure your property reaches an optimal buying audience, providing valuable services for both parties involved.

Consigning Property For Auction: Part 3 – The Auction Schedule

Wondering when to reach out to an auction house to sell your property? You needn’t wait for an upcoming auction announcement; most major houses plan schedules six months to nearly a year ahead, making it easy to schedule your property for sale in an upcoming auction.

Consigning Property For Auction: Part 2 – Maximizing Your Antiques Appraisal

Once you’ve selected an auction house, arrange for a thorough evaluation of your property by an expert appraiser, whether online, in person, or at your home. This step is crucial for maximizing the value of your antiques appraisal process.

Consigning Property for Auction: Part 1 – Are You Ready for an Antiques Appraisal?

Murphy Insurance is proud to partner with Skinner Inc. as co-presenting sponsor of The Wayside Inn Antiques Show. Leading up to the event on May 11-13, we’re delighted to feature insights from Karen Keane on the process of consigning property for auction.

Insuring Antiques and Fine Art

Whether you possess family heirlooms or are a dedicated collector of antiques and fine art, understanding how your insurance protects these valuables is crucial. Regardless of the size of your collection, you might be surprised by the accumulated value of your possessions over the years.

Don’t Be In The Dark About Business Interruption Coverage

Aside from power outages, businesses face risks like fire and weather-related disasters, disrupting operations for extended periods. Business interruption and extra expense insurance offer a crucial means to mitigate potential financial losses in such scenarios.

Murphy Insurance Employees Receive AAI Designations

Murphy Insurance is proud to announce that five members of their team have been approved for the designation of Accredited Advisor in Insurance (AAI). This designation encompasses three rigorous courses focused on customer risk management, demonstrating a solid commitment to customer service. It offers comprehensive insights into business, law, finance, marketing, sales, insurance coverage, and agency operations.

Hit-and-Run…It Can Happen To You

In a car accident, identifying the other driver isn’t always possible, especially in hit-and-run situations which can escalate beyond mere vehicle damage to serious injuries for you or passengers, or even pedestrian accidents. Such uncertainties highlight the importance of being prepared.