Increase to Accident Surcharge Thresholds Limits Effective July 1, 2015

Governor Baker’s signing of the Massachusetts 2016 State Budget on July 17, 2015, led to increased minor and major thresholds for surchargeable accidents, offering potential savings for drivers in the state who may be involved in at-fault accidents.

Headlight & Windshield Wiper Law No Longer a Surchargeable Offense – July 17, 2015

A new law eliminates the surchargeable offense for not using headlights with windshield wipers. Though using headlights and taillights with wipers remains mandatory and enforceable, receiving a ticket won’t affect your driving record or insurance premium.

Have You Heard? NH New Hands-Free Electronic Device Law in Effect July 1, 2015

Effective July 1, 2015, New Hampshire implemented a law prohibiting the use of hand-held electronic devices while driving, joining other states in similar measures. This law aims to enhance road safety by reducing distractions caused by electronic devices.