Be Lightning Safe…Include a Lightning Protection System in your Building or Remodeling Plans

Installing a lightning protection system is a valuable investment when constructing, renovating, or repairing homes. Homeowners insurance typically covers lightning-related damages, while some policies extend coverage to power surge damages resulting from lightning strikes.

New Commercial Driver’s License and Learner’s Permit Standards Effective July 2016

For those holding a CDL or CLP, note the amended Commercial Driver License standards known as the “CDL Permit Rule,” implemented by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Starting in July 2016, the Massachusetts RMV will enforce this regulation.

Mitigate Rental Property Coverage Gaps

Homeowners can rent property to tenants regularly, and it’s crucial for them to take protective measures for their rental investments. Here are some recommendations and tips for those who continuously rent out residential property.