Update – Movie Filming in Downtown Hudson, May 2017

Excitement mounts in Downtown Hudson for the filming of “Who Do You Think Would Win?”. Amid logistical adjustments in parking and sidewalk closures, Murphy Insurance assures customers of normal operations, offering assistance via phone or at alternative offices.

Hollywood Comes To Hudson…May 2017

It’s official: Downtown Hudson, MA, will host the feature film “Who Do You Think Would Win?” Filming is set for May 1st to 3rd along Main Street and Washington Street, 7 AM to 10 PM. Despite downtown excitement, we’re here to assist you; parking may require additional time, but options are available on side streets.

There’s a Fire at Your Apartment. Are You Insured?

Without renters’ insurance, you lack coverage for fires or other losses. Take a moment to consider news reports of apartment fires in Massachusetts and ask yourself how you would cope and recover if faced with a similar situation.