Keep Your Home Safe While on Vacation

Taking a trip and exploring the world is fun, but leaving your home unoccupied has some risks.  Before departing, protect your property from accidents and criminals by considering the following precautions.

5 Tips for Adding a Teen to Your Auto Policy

If your teen is approaching driving age, it may be time to start thinking about your plan for adding them to your auto insurance policy. Here are five tips to consider when adding a teen to your auto insurance policy.

Understanding the Risks of Speeding

According to NHTSA data, speeding kills more than 12,000 people behind the wheel each year, contributing to nearly one-third (29%) of all traffic fatalities. With this in mind, it’s important to understand what causes speeding and how to prevent it.

Keeping Mold Out of Your Home

Mold not only damages your property, but it can also cause serious health complications after long-term exposure. With this in mind, try these prevention tips to keep mold out of your home.