Understanding Rental Car Insurance

When renting a car, understand your existing coverage before considering additional insurance options. Whether from traditional rental companies, car-sharing programs, or peer-to-peer services, knowing your policies can prevent unnecessary expenses while ensuring adequate protection on the road.

What To Do If Your Pipes Freeze

There are lots of things you can do to reduce the risk of winter related losses such as frozen pipes. However, if temperatures are extremely cold and you turn on your tap to find a trickle or nothing instead of a steady flow, you probably have frozen pipes somewhere in your home. Water expands when frozen, but pipes do not, which can cause a pipe to burst. If you discover you have frozen pipes, act quickly…don’t wait for them to burst.

Getting Your Financial House in Order

No one likes to think about the loss of a loved one or their own death, but if you want to avoid having your family struggle with financial and legal issues, there are certain planning steps you need to take. Sometimes the reason people don’t take action is because they don’t have a trusted resource to turn to. Our Financial Insurance team is glad to answer questions and offer guidance. We can even refer you to other trusted advisors if needed.

Massachusetts Snow Removal Laws and Liability

Winter is underway and we’ve already had the first snow fall of the season. If you own residential or commercial property, it’s essential to understand your legal responsibilities regarding snow removal. The state you live in has laws that dictate snow removal and in many cases, your city or town may have local ordinances or by-laws that further define snow and ice removal responsibilities.