Entries by Murphy Insurance

Making Sure that Your Home is Properly Covered for a Disaster

Given the escalating construction prices and potential scarcity of materials and labor after disasters, it’s imperative for homeowners to regularly update their insurance coverage to reflect improvements, major purchases, and increased rebuilding costs, ensuring comprehensive protection for their most valuable asset – their home. Underestimating coverage needs could leave homeowners vulnerable to financial setbacks in the event of unforeseen disasters or property damage.

When Disaster Strikes: Preparation, Response and Recovery for Businesses

Disasters can impact businesses of all sizes and types, leading to temporary closures or permanent shutdowns due to events like floods, fires, or hurricanes. Businesses can be extremely vulnerable to unforeseen events and need to prioritize the importance of disaster preparedness and resilience strategies. Taking proactive measures can help minimize the impact of a disaster on your business, while having sufficient insurance coverage can expedite the recovery process.

U.S. Auto Insurer Claim Payouts Soar Due to Increasing Inflation

Rising inflation has driven personal and commercial auto liability insurance costs billions higher, impacting both policyholders and insurers, according to a recent study. Despite dominating premium earnings, personal auto policies often offer significantly lower coverage limits than commercial policies, highlighting a crucial gap in protection.

Home Winter Weather Preparation Tips

As winter approaches, it’s essential to take proactive steps to safeguard your home against potential ice, snow, and wind damage. Remember, starting the winterization process when the leaves change, not when snowfall begins, can significantly mitigate risks and ensure a safer, warmer, and more cost-effective living environment.

Steps to Take When Renewing Your Insurance

Even without filing a claim, the rising costs of insurance are surpassing inflation due to various factors such as increased repair and replacement expenses caused by labor and supply chain disruptions. Moreover, the growing frequency and severity of accidents and weather-related disasters contribute to overall rate adjustments. Our team of insurance experts can assist you in securing the appropriate coverage at a competitive rate, ensuring you receive optimal value for your insurance investment.

Avoid a Deer vs. Car Collision

As urban expansion encroaches on rural habitats, deer-car collisions have surged, totaling over half a million annually, with a substantial number resulting in fatalities. Particularly during the migration and mating season from October to December, deer activity spikes, tripling the risk of auto accidents involving deer, as noted by statistics from the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI).