New MA Law Requires Use of Headlights Effective April 7, 2015

A new law passed, effective April 7, 2015, mandating drivers to activate headlights and taillights alongside windshield wipers. Non-compliance with this regulation constitutes ticketable and surchargeable offenses, potentially leading to increased insurance premiums.

10 Things You Should Know About Insurance

There are many things you might not know about your current insurance policies for your home, family, cars, and business. It is important to understand what is and isn’t covered.

The Evolution of Insurance Products

Claims significantly shape the evolution of insurance products, influencing both the specific loss situations covered and the markets or geographic areas insurers target. At a micro-level, claims trends may lead to exclusions in policy coverage, while at a macro-level, they determine insurers’ business interests.

Snow Load Alert…Protect Your Roof and Building

Property owners must manage snow accumulation on roofs during winter storms to prevent hazards. From clearing snow from vents to watching for structural weaknesses, taking proactive steps can safeguard against damage and potential accidents.

Where You Buy Workers Comp Can Make a Difference

The choice of where to obtain Workers’ Comp Insurance can impact your business. While classification rates are determined by the Commonwealth, individual insurance companies may offer modified or decreased rates for specific job classifications, potentially leading to cost savings.

Health Care Reform 2015 Compliance

The Affordable Care Act introduced numerous reforms in 2014, with additional provisions such as the shared responsibility penalty and related requirements set to take effect in 2015. The impact of these changes on your business hinges on the size of the employer group your company belongs to.

2014 Toys for Tots Success – Thank You!

Murphy Insurance Agency proudly celebrates the success of its Toys for Tots Drive, gathering 691 toys and securing a $200 cash donation through its Facebook® campaign. These efforts have spread joy to numerous children, embodying the agency’s commitment to compassion and generosity.

New OSHA Requirements for Reporting Severe Injuries Effective January 1, 2015

Starting January 1, 2015, OSHA introduces stringent regulations for reporting and recording severe work-related injuries or fatalities, aiming to bolster workplace safety. With 4,405 workplace fatalities in 2013 alone, the initiative targets proactive prevention measures and employer accountability to curb such incidents.

Good Managers Don’t Get Sued…Right?

Most managers gauge their legal vulnerability by their perceived competence as leaders, assuming that treating employees well shields them from lawsuits. However, if a firm has more than two employees excluding spouses, legal risks arise regardless of managerial perception.