There’s a Fire at Your Apartment. Are You Insured?

Without renters’ insurance, you lack coverage for fires or other losses. Take a moment to consider news reports of apartment fires in Massachusetts and ask yourself how you would cope and recover if faced with a similar situation.

NFPA Encourages Prompt Disposal of Christmas Trees and Safe Removal of Lights

If you’re hesitating to remove your Christmas tree, consider this: Nearly 40% of U.S. home fires involving Christmas trees happen in January. The NFPA urges prompt removal of trees after the holiday season to prevent fire hazards.

All Electronic Tolling on Mass Pike – October 28

Effective October 28, 2016, the Massachusetts Turnpike (Route 90) ceased accepting cash for tolls, eliminating toll booths at exits. For those who don’t frequently travel on the Turnpike, here’s a summary to ensure you stay informed about these changes.

Summer Storm Resources to Help Mitigate Risks

Summer across the United States often brings a range of severe weather conditions, from hailstorms and thunderstorms to high winds, flooding, lightning, and tornadoes. Taking proactive steps to mitigate damage is essential, and ensuring you have appropriate insurance coverage can provide protection for both personal and business needs in unavoidable loss situations.

Pokémon Go App Takes Millions of Players to Exciting New Worlds; Insurance Can Help Make Those Worlds (and This One) Safer

Pokémon Go quickly gained global popularity, surpassing Twitter’s user count in a matter of days, while also causing unintended consequences such as injuries and property damage, most of which are reportedly covered by insurance, according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.).

Cover Personal Injury Loss Exposures

Homeowners policies typically exclude personal injury claims like defamation unless a personal injury endorsement is attached. Manage these risks by monitoring social media activity, educating family members on online conduct, and considering additional coverage options like personal umbrella policies for comprehensive protection.

Be Lightning Safe…Include a Lightning Protection System in your Building or Remodeling Plans

Installing a lightning protection system is a valuable investment when constructing, renovating, or repairing homes. Homeowners insurance typically covers lightning-related damages, while some policies extend coverage to power surge damages resulting from lightning strikes.