Does My Insurance Cover Pothole Damage? It’s a common question because unfortunately potholes are a common cause of vehicle damage. According to an AAA survey, potholes caused significant vehicular damage for 1 in 10 drivers in 2021. The average cost to repair pothole-related damage was $600 but exceeded $1,000 in some cases. What’s worse, the same drivers often filed multiple claims, averaging two pothole-related repairs a year. Common pothole-related damages include wheel and tire damage and damage to the suspension, steering and alignment systems.

Does My Insurance Cover Pothole Damage?

Collision coverage typically helps pay for pothole-related damages. This optional type of auto insurance can help pay for damage caused by collisions with objects (e.g., potholes or guard rails). However, this coverage typically has a deductible, which is an out-of-pocket cost you must pay before your coverage kicks in. You may choose not to file a claim with your insurance company if the cost to repair pothole-related damage is less than your deductible. Also filing a claim, can result in an increase in insurance premiums, so it’s importance to weigh the cost benefit especially if the claim amount is relatively small.

Avoiding Pothole Damage

Potholes form when groundwater freezes beneath the pavement, causing it to expand and crack. When the ice melts, gaps are left under the pavement, weakening its structure until the pavement breaks beneath the weight of cars. Although potholes may be unavoidable, vehicular damage doesn’t have to be.

Consider the following guidelines for avoiding pothole-related damage:

  • Ensure your tires have proper inflation, tread depth, alignment and suspension.
  • Scan the road ahead for potholes and drive around them when it’s safe.
  • Avoid driving through standing water (which may conceal deep potholes) whenever possible.
  • Slow down and avoid sudden braking if you must drive over a pothole or through standing water.
  • Be aware of any new sounds or vibrations in your vehicle after hitting a pothole.
  • Take your car to a trusted mechanic for a full inspection if necessary.

For additional driving safety guidance check out our other blog posts. For assistance with your auto insurance and to obtain a quote, contact us today.

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