Each year, approximately 75,000 people are injured seriously enough by lawnmowers to require emergency room medical treatment. Only a small percentage of the injuries are caused by mechanical failure; most result from human error.

Here are Some Tips to Follow Before and While Mowing Your Lawn

Become familiar with your mower.

Read the owner’s manual before using the mower for the first time. Note all safety and operating instructions. Learn the controls to act instantly in an emergency and stop the machine quickly.

Proper clothing is essential to protect your body from harm.

Always wear non-slip shoes instead of tennis shoes or sandals. Steel-toe safety footwear offers the most protection against the blade. Long pants help protect your legs from objects thrown from under the mower. Use earplugs to prevent hearing loss caused by exposure to high noise levels.

Never leave a mower running unattended.

A mower left running unattended can be fascinating to a child. The key should never be left in the ignition if the mower has an electric start.

Always start the mower outdoors.

Never operate a mower in a closed garage, storage shed, or basement where carbon monoxide can collect.

Police the area.

Before you start mowing, be sure the lawn is free of tree limbs, rocks, wires, and other debris, which can get caught up in the blades.

The primary source of danger is the blade.

The mower blade must be sharp and travel at a high speed to perform its task efficiently. If a hand or foot gets under the mower while the engine is running, it can cause serious injury. Never attempt to unclog or work on a lawnmower while the engine is on.

Disconnect the sparkplug wire.

Disconnect the spark plug wire whenever you need to reach under the mower to prevent the engine from starting. It takes a little extra time, but not as long as it does to recover from a serious injury.

Check for frayed or cut wiring.

When using an electric lawnmower, the blade can easily cut wires. Keep an eye on the wiring as you move the mower, and check for frayed or cut wiring every time you mow.

Source:  Insurance Information Institute

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