Umbrella InsuranceUmbrella Insurance is a type of liability insurance that provides additional coverage beyond the limits of other primary insurance policies, such as homeowners insurance, auto insurance, or renters insurance. It serves as an extra layer of protection against lawsuits, liability claims, and legal expenses that exceed the limits of primary insurance policies.

Here’s why umbrella insurance is important:

  1. Increased Liability Coverage: Umbrella insurance extends the liability coverage provided by primary insurance policies, such as homeowners or auto insurance. It offers higher coverage limits, typically ranging from $1 million to $10 million or more, which can help protect policyholders against significant financial losses in the event of a lawsuit or liability claim.
  2. Protection Against Lawsuits: In today’s litigious society, lawsuits are increasingly common, and judgments can result in substantial financial damages. Umbrella insurance provides added protection against lawsuits arising from bodily injury, property damage, libel, slander, defamation, and other personal liability claims. It helps cover legal defense costs, court judgments, and settlements, helping policyholders avoid financial ruin.
  3. Coverage for Various Situations: Umbrella insurance provides coverage for a wide range of liability risks, including accidents on your property, injuries caused by your pets, car accidents for which you are at fault, slander or defamation claims, and more. It offers broad protection against unforeseen events and liabilities that can result in costly legal proceedings.
  4. Asset Protection: Umbrella insurance helps protect policyholders’ assets and financial well-being by providing an extra layer of liability coverage. In the event of a lawsuit or liability claim that exceeds the limits of primary insurance policies, umbrella insurance can help safeguard savings, investments, retirement accounts, and other assets from being depleted to satisfy legal judgments or settlements.
  5. Peace of Mind: Umbrella insurance offers peace of mind to policyholders, knowing that they have additional financial protection against unexpected liabilities and lawsuits. It provides a safety net for unforeseen events and helps policyholders feel more secure in their financial future, allowing them to focus on their personal and professional lives without worrying about potential financial risks or liabilities.
  6. Cost-Effective Coverage: Umbrella insurance is generally affordable, considering the high coverage limits it offers. The cost of umbrella insurance premiums is relatively low compared to the amount of additional coverage provided, making it a cost-effective way to enhance liability protection and mitigate financial risks.

Overall, umbrella insurance is an important component of a comprehensive risk management strategy, providing valuable protection against unforeseen liabilities, lawsuits, and financial losses. It offers peace of mind, asset protection, and broad coverage for policyholders facing a wide range of personal liability risks in today’s complex and litigious society.

Don’t hesitate to contact Murphy Insurance at 800 222 8711 or submit an inquiry via our Contact Us form to learn about our Umbrella Insurance.


The Value of Commercial Umbrella Insurance

In today’s increasingly litigious environment, lawsuits stemming from liability incidents have surged in frequency and severity, leaving many organizations with substantial losses. Fortunately, that’s where commercial umbrella insurance can help.

Even Responsible People Get Sued

Regardless of your financial status, legal actions can incur substantial defense costs, potentially causing financial strain, irrespective of the lawsuit’s outcome. Being sued, even without liability, can lead to significant financial burdens.

How Much Homeowners Insurance Do I Need?

Adequate homeowners insurance is essential for rebuilding your home, replacing belongings, living expenses during displacement, and safeguarding against liability. Use these guidelines to assess necessary coverage and amounts for your protection.

Fortify Your Future – A Guide to Updating Your Insurance for the New Year

With the new year, lots of us make “new year resolutions”.  A resolution is defined as “a firm decision to do or not to do something.”  So, it maybe a new habit such as exercising more, changing eating habits, quitting smoking or changing a routine. Or, it could be checking something off your “bucket list” or taking care of a long put off task or project. Your New Year’s resolution should be making sure you are properly insured.