The Problem
If you drive for a Transportation Network Company (TNC), personal auto insurance policies STOP providing coverage for vehicle damage, property damage, bodily injury and most other coverages as soon as you sign into the TNC app. Typically, the insurance policies offered by TNCs only provide limited coverage during the time between you logging into the app and picking up a fare. However, it’s risky to allow your coverage to fluctuate depending on the situation because an accident can occur at any time.
The Solution
To solve this coverage issue, Mapfre Insurance and Plymouth Rock Assurance recently began offering a TNC driver endorsement. Effective November 1, Safety Insurance will also offer an endorsement to resolve this coverage gap. In the future, we anticipate other carriers following suit. Previously, because there were no coverage options, many TNC drivers simply took on the risk in order to earn money; however, that risk is no longer necessary. Our professionals can help you evaluate which company offers the best solution depending on your overall needs. If you or someone you know drives for a TNC or are considering it, please contact us for assistance.
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At Murphy Insurance, we are here to assist you in obtaining the appropriate auto insurance. Choosing the appropriate auto insurance coverage can be overwhelming. Every insurance company has its unique offerings, making it challenging to compare options effectively. That’s where we shine. We simplify the process by helping you evaluate provider and policy choices, seek out discounts, and optimize your car insurance within your budget constraints. Ultimately, our goal is to provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you and your loved ones are well-protected.