You might be wondering, So, what exactly will this blog be about? Don’t worry we won’t bore you with lengthy descriptions of insurance coverage and contract language. There are plenty of other places where you can get that information if you want it. Insurance isn’t a hot topic for most people, but everyone wants to be covered if something happens.

This blog will highlight interesting and helpful information about how insurance connects with your life…whether it’s personal, business, or both. We want to simplify insurance and offer honest guidance to help you make better auto, home, business, and life insurance decisions. We’ll share insights on protection issues, provide updates, and dispel common misconceptions. Our goal is to keep it fresh and relevant.

What separates us from other insurance providers is our knowledgeable, committed, and caring team. Hopefully, you’ll get a better sense of the people that make up Murphy Insurance Agency as you read posts sharing ideas and opinions from different members of our staff. To mix it up, we may even have guest bloggers from time to time.

We often say here at the agency that “for us, business is always personal.” It’s about having conversations and creating relationships. Your comments and opinions are important to us, and we hope you’ll share them. Protect your privacy, and don’t share detailed personal information on our blog.  Also, remember that our blog isn’t intended to offer specific advice about your insurance needs.

We’re excited about this new endeavor and look forward to connecting with you and providing a different view of Murphy Insurance.

So…stay tuned.

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Common Auto Insurance Terms

Auto insurance can be confusing at times. Policies often contain a variety of terms that can be difficult to understand, especially for someone without a background in insurance. The following is a list of common auto insurance terms to keep in mind the next time you meet with your insurance broker.

The Value of Commercial Umbrella Insurance

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Quiet Vehicles and Pedestrian Safety

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Visit Our Personal Insurance Page

Personal Insurance

Life is an ever-changing journey, and it deserves a thoughtful, comprehensive plan to protect the things and people that matter most. Our dedicated team at Murphy Insurance is here to assist you in creating that plan. With a wide range of product options at our disposal, we ensure that your plan is tailored precisely to your requirements. Our commitment to providing clear, intelligent guidance to help you achieve true peace of mind. Learn more about our personal insurance portfolio.

Visit Our Business Insurance Page

Business Insurance

Murphy Insurance stands as your steadfast partner in safeguarding your business from unforeseen challenges in today’s dynamic business landscape. In an era where comprehensive business insurance is not just a prudent choice but a vital one for ensuring the long-term stability and security of your enterprise, we are here to offer our expertise. Running a business inherently entails various risks that can potentially impact your financial stability and reputation. Learn more about our comprehensive business insurance solutions, which are meticulously designed to protect you from these potential threats, granting you peace of mind necessary to focus on the growth and prosperity of your business.